How did you get so cool? I realize that your birthday was like a gazillion days ago, but I'm way behind on the bloggin train. SO HERE I AM I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT YOU. I just had to take some extra days to think about how awesome you are and what cool things I could say about you. The problem is that you are SO cool that it's past the point of words. So a few lame lines will have to do. I'm glad that we are always next to each other in family pictures and that we have so many of us together (below is just a fraction of a sampling). I am also glad that you are so much taller than me cuz I fit right under your shoulder. I'm also glad you are not be offended when I boss you around. I am also glad that you don't judge me and I can always tell you things and that you always give me good advice and encouragement. I am also glad that you dress so rad cuz it makes me proud to know you. I am also glad that you and Kari are so hot (sorry I had to throw that in). I'm also glad that you're going on a mission and are such a good example to the whole fam in everything you do- seriously, you rock. I'm glad that you are so funny and that when we are together we can just laugh and laugh. I'm glad that we are part of the misfits. I'm glad you have freckles too. I'm glad when you send me picture texts cuz they're always hilar. I'm glad when we talk about church stuff cuz you have such amazing insight. I'm glad when you talk about music cuz I wanna be you. I'm glad when you let me borrow your awesome beanies. I'm glad when we sleep in the same bed on every Christmas Eve (I mean that in the most non-pervy way possible). I'm glad when you send me awesome birthday presents. I'm glad when we laugh really hard at the same thing and everyone else thinks we're crazy. Mostly I'm just glad that you're my brother and I get to keep you forever! Happy late late birthday dude, I love the crap out of you.
Sincerely, Chrissy