Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Made a couple new friends while on the bottom

Always fun in Cabo

The boys on the cliffs of Cabo
Some stunning sunset pics of Cabo with Mom's new 14.7 mp camera from the back of the boat as we were leaving Cabo

Video of Taylor jumping off the point at Cabo

Wait there's more!!!

Just a few pics from our dive and boat ride in Puerta Vallarta!


Sam showing Darien who's boss!
The girls with their new friends, minus Sarah's. Where is he???

Sleeping off some of those calories!!!

Kathryn, before she downed three desserts. She didn't eat until dinner the next day!

Boys will be boys!

Dad's B-day card from the kids!

What a line-up! It's showtime!

Dad's favorite thing to do on the ship. Well almost!

The cruise was a really great time!!!!!!!!!!!! We enjoyed relaxing and spending time with the McKay's and Brandon. The highlights for me were watching the boys EAT and EAT and EAT! and watching the girls try to keep up and get SO SICK! It's always fun to watch the boys dominate at Basketball and watch the girls play tag with their new friends on the ship. (friends of the opposite sex might I add) Also the Whales in Puerta Vallarta were incredible to watch. The dive was a bit disappointing. Not very good viz. But we were able to watch a few cool creatures. Dad came sooooo close to a poisonous Rock Fish and didn't even know it because he was teasing an eel. He also chased a Sea Snake. Taylor seemed to have such a good time that he sucked his air almost dry and had to head to the surface. The second time I didn't know he had gone up and was in a bit of a panic because I couldn't find him. I was very relieved to find him safely on the boat. Watching dad turn another year older (without showing it) and Singing Happy Birthday to him in Mazatlan was fun too. Our waiters did a fabulous job! Everett was a favorite! Watching the shows was truly a hightlight, as they were some of the best we've seen. It was funny when one of the singers moved Cindy and I to tears and we looked down at the kids and watched Sam shoot himself in the head with his finger. All in all it was a wonderful time!!! I've posted a few pics, but dad has most of them on his laptop.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yeah so erik and kevin came up too!!! IT WAS TONS OF FUN! the one picture of the random girl is a girl erik is in love with. she told him she liked his rims! it was quite precious. it was a great weekend with them. me andrew courtney and joseph all made shirts. it was lots of fun! we were just outta control the whole night.

more love you long time

ok so izzy thought it was so funny to lay down and roll back and forth. she was laughing so hard. i thought it was hilarious.


K, my last post today I promise!

Because my foot hurts so bad when I run, Aaron and I took up swimming instead. Needless to say, we are pros.

And nerdlers.

model shots

On Sunday, I went up to Salt Lake and did a shoot with Sara. She's sending in model shots to a Florida-based modeling agency that does modeling for Lane Bryant, the magazine Curve, and places like that. So we had a really fun time getting beautiful shots of her in the pretty snow!

blades of glory

This past weekend a lil group of us went ice skating- we pretty much just busted in on Aaron's ward's activity. Chrissy and her friend didn't end up actually skating, but Chrissy did do a verrrrry good job of taking some sweet action photo's of Aaron, Lilian and I. I love Lil. And she loves Sarah- shout out!! xoxo

dance dance you sun!

Ok, so this is going to be a bit of an update parade but I haven't gotten around to posting pictures of what we've been up to lately...

A couple weekends ago, Chrissy, Andre, Aaron and I went to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City! We saw a beautiful Spanish film called "The Anarchist's Wife" (that's the name in English at least) in subtitles and it seriously blew me away! It was suuuuuccchhh a good film- I hope you all have the chance to watch it sometime if it wins some awards! After that we headed up to Park City and just walked the main street up and down a couple times. It was frigid so we didn't stay too long since there really isn't much to do unless you wanna parrtaaay it up in the bars. Unfortunately, no celebs were seen. Sigh.

Fun times anywaaaays!

oh yeah... those are some radical trannies. gross huh?! hahaha