Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fun Being Grandpa & Grandma!

Dad and I have been having lots of fun with our grandbabies this past week. We

got to spend a little time at Ang & Ken's playing with Izzy and watching her open

a few gifts. She's getting so big and smart! As you can see she's loving riding on

her new horse!!!!!

Then we brought Christina and Davien back to Kennewick with us. It's been lots

of fun getting to know Davien. He's such a friendly little guy. He loves all the excitement

and activity around our house! We think he'll be walking full time before he leaves.

He's taking more and more steps each day. We just got back today from a little road trip

to aunt Linda's. It was great to see her doing so well. She loved being able to see Christina

and Davien.

Leesh, add Aunt Linda to the blog. here email is ltanis1@hotmail.com hook her up
well what are everbody's big plans for new years? i think im gonna have people over to the house...i really don't know. we will just have to see.

Friday, December 26, 2008

happy birthdayyyyyyyy

dear leesh,
happy birthday. you are great. and also pretty. also you have a sexy bod. i am glad to be your neighbor and fellow utah-valley-ite and SISTER. i heart you.
love chrissy


even this nifty hamster is excited :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sooo I think I have a new obsession.

Welll the one above is a monkey, but's its soo small and CUTE! Haha, I know, i could be weird.

It's with birds.
Lovely little creatures.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


here's mine chrissy! i went like wayyyy spazzoid with the scissors, but somwhow it still ended up pretty precious.

Poker? Poke HER?

ANUTTHAAA ONE! (as in, ANUTTHA Christmas party post. 'tis the season i guess) Anywho- we went to Aaron's parent's house on Sunday night for their family Christmas party. Way good times. Way good food. Here are some pikkkktures for you viewing.
Precious Aaron finally took a normal picture with me. It took a couple tries, but we were successful in the end.
Precious baby Ty. I'm kind of obsessed.
Some call this child abuse...
Me and Aaron's precious neices, Mariel and Arianna. SO cute.So every holiday, as a tradition, their family plays poker. I'm kind of a n00b so I definitely had to be coached all the way through. Aaron's dad was THE FUNNIEST dealer ever-he was being super official and calling everyone "sir" and stuff. SO funny.
Oh, and here's my victory pile. Aaron's brother and I both bet all in on a hand, and guess who won? That would be me. Never trust a rookie.

im surrounded by these...

Click here to make your own radical snowflake!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Davien!

We had a great time at Davien's Birthday Party! Me, Dad, and Jacque went. Snowy roads and all. Dad got some fun videos on his camera. I was able to get a few good pics. Davien is the sweetest baby boy! He was a bit sleepy opening his gifts but very good natured about it! Christina did her best to keep him interested. Then he took a nice nap in my arms. FUN for me!!! Then we had to wake him up for cake because the storm was so bad and people needed to get going. After we left, Christina reported that he was on a sugar high! The cake was yummy. Maybe Jacque and dad have some more pics to add!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Phillips Christmas Party Part 3

Well as you can see from all the pictures the christmas party was a success. it was kind of small and i was the oldest grandchild...that was weird. we all definately missed all who couldn't make it. everybody of course loved there gifts and grandma and grandpa were awesome again. bruce, boyd, joan, karen, and diana's families were all there. Erik, Kat, Sarah and Taylor all shared talents from our family. :] nothing can beat our thriller last year though. well i love you all. can't wait to see you for christmas!

Phillips Christmas Party Part 2

Phillips Christmas Party Part 1

Friday, December 19, 2008

the picture doesnt do it justice

I'm not looking forward to driving home in this blizzard........ Wish me luck!

happy first birthday!

happy birthday to precious baby davien! i can't wait to see you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

why im the luckiest

I just wanted to say THANKS and pay a special tribute to Annalicia bell, who is oh-so-lovely. I'm so grateful to have her around! The other day i was having a terrible day, so of course i called her to vent about it like I always do. A while later I came home, and there were flowers and my favorite Dove chocolate on the table with a nice note waiting for me!Thanks baby doll face! Love you bunchhhes!

Sara & Ty

Here are a couple pictures of a photo session I did with Sara (Aaron's younger sister) and her baby Ty today. Sara and I had a lot of fun working with this gorgeous spiral staircase in one of the buildings on BYU campus. Aren't they both so beautiful?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My birthday was awesome! Courtney, andrew, alex, and joseph (he surprised me) all came. a big group of us went to red robin..it was crazy, but tons of fun. the past couple days have been a blast from the hot tubing to the movies to eating good food. hah

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

snow NO ho ho ho

i woke up this morning to a continually growing three inches of snow covering everything in sight. i drove in that nasty stuff for the first time this morning. and i'm safely sitting at my desk at work. oh yeah, snow will not defeat me.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Piano Recital

Kathryn & Sarah had their first piano recital tonight! They both did great! They love their piano teacher and are learning lots. They get to play this beautiful Yamaha grand piano once a week. Who wouldn't love that? Sam was a great supportive brother and especially loved the refreshments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grandma Phillips was gonna go but she locked her keys in her car at the
gas station on this very fridgid night. Erik went to the rescue. Grandma Cleaver is in town and will be here for Christmas! Taylor is at his first night of work being a gym supervisor and Jacque is out with her million friends for a birthday dinner at Red Robin. Dad made it safely to Kirkland
early this evening.

happy jack-o-lack day!!!

Happy Birthday lil miss hotty pants
(like literally... check out those ruffle panties!).
Run wild and free, and maybe naked, just like the good ole days.

Love you Jacque!!! HAPPY 19th!!!

we like christmas

So it's obvious that Chrissy and I are embracing the "Christmas Spirit" this year. Last night we went down to Temple Square with Aaron's family to walk around and see all of the lights down there. I have never been during Christmas time, but supposedly it's usually even better than it was this year. I was, however, totally in awe of the picture perfect setting. There were Christmas lights delicately wrapped around each tree and the most precious nativity scene set up in the fountain in front of the temple. I tried to get a good picture of the nativity scene with the temple, but none of them turned out very good- oh the things I would do with a better camera. Besides the literally freeeeeeezing cold air, evident by our shiny red noses, it was so fun to play with Aaron's adorable nieces and nephews and to be engulfed by that once-a-year Christmas feel.