Taylor's phone call was the last we thought we'd ever hear. He was the only one home when the fish tank decided to give way, under the two tons of pressure it held ,with three hundred gallons of water. We were all in shock and so sad. We all rushed home as quickly as possible. John was an hour and a half out. (Longest drive of his life! This tank was his baby!) Taylor was frantically trying to find and save corals, after placing what we thought were dead fish into a bucket. He took the corals to Petco for Refuge. Sam and JC rounded up shop vacs and went to work sucking gallons of water. Sam became very strong with the adrenaline rush, he was picking up huge furniture items to save them from the water. The girls and I got home ASAP and joined in the efforts. We were all in shock and now I wish I had taken more pictures of the kids and their reactions. I was totally amazed at the way they worked and helped!!! I of course was crying over the dead fish, etc and Taylor with great sympathy rushed them to Petco. He learned that there is such a thing as Fish CPR. He managed to save seven of our fish. They along with our corals have been placed in local tanks. A few hours into the disaster, Kathryn found "Jailbait" our black and white striped fish under her bed:-( I called the Ins and NW Restoration, and within an hour or two they were at the house tearing things up!!! They worked into the night and returned for six days, each day tearing out and removing more walls, cabinets, floors, and sheetrock, etc. Now the reconstruction begins!!! Thank goodness for Insurance and for John and his great talents and abilities. We will have an almost brand new house when we're finished. I've never seen John quite so sad! His countenance changed as soon as he got a new tank set up in the garage keeping his rocks alive. Our big Hermi crab survived and even on anemone!! Quite amazing!!!