Velour is a local music venue in Provo that is acutally really rad. From the dimly lit stage to the unicorn wall shadows to the random dolls hanging from the ceiling, it's quite the hot spot here in town. Tonight Chrissy, Aaron and I went there to see our friend, Seth, play. I was basically just messing around with my lighting and different features on my camera the whole time, but here are some of my favorite pictures that turned out.

I love how the lighting hit Chrissy's face in this one.

This one I used my manual focus to emphasize the audience rather than the performer.

I love how you can see the writing on his hand in this one :)
Yes i am a nerdler because I get so excited about stuff like this, thanks. haha
This is all really awesome. i love your camera. And that show looks awesome.
nice pics. I got Sheri a new Canon point and shoot....SD990IS. It is 14.7 mega pixels and is Candy Apple RED!!!!!! awesome and takes very colorful pics
i just looked it up online. it's a realllyyyyyyy pretty camera, dad! i loooove it. but i'm not gonna lie, i love mine more!
thank you thank you thank you a million times over!!
Leesh I got to use the cruise ship photographer's camera to take a picture of him and some crew. It was so nice. Way nicer than yours. It was really exciting. He was hawwwt too. Hot and foreign. haha
loving the pics!!!! girl. come take me and scotts engagement pics? :)
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