chrissy's birthday was a total success! a night full of life, love and laughter! i hope she does a blog post about it so you can see some of the fun pictures from it!
the bottom collage is from saturday when aaron, andre, and some friends decided to go shoot their guns. i tagged along and was forced to use these two assault weapons. fun.
let me guess...9mm Glock and an AR15? The Glock is not really an assault weapon, but looks fun to shoot.
hah well actually its a bla bla bla bla....looks like a good time though.
jacque you are such a silly nilly
How fun!!! I love shooting guns!
haha, I was about to mimick the ANYANMOUS person or whatever...but the only name of a gun that came up was an AR15 and i'm pretty sure thats what it really is.
I love you.
P.S. The top picture is way rad!
How did you do it?
Or does your amazing Nikon D60 Do that?
sarah, the top picture was edited using a free online editing program at www.picnik.com! it's freeee and super easy to use :) although i DO wish i had photoshop for my computer.... i'll have to make an investment soon.
Well it's super trooper.
Leeshers, call me sometime.
I miss youuu!
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