hello darlings! since no one else is blogging lately, i figured i should liven up the party a little with some grand news about my life.
meet my new cannon rebel x SLR film camera:

yes yes, i still have, LOVE and use my glorious nikon DSLR that the parents got my for christmas, but i just took up a film photography class and i needed a good camera for it. i figured this would be a fun investment anyways and didn't feel too bad spending the money on it. plus, it's a cannon and cannons have always held a special place in my heart :) (okay, okay, i totally looked EVERYWHERE for a nikon SLR but i COULD NOT FIND ONE that was under 150 dollars... mehh..)
so anywho, the class i'm taking is a black and white film class and i'm learning how to develop my own film and print my own photographs- WITHOUT any use of the computer.. crazy, i know.

this picture above is an example of a contact sheet that you make everytime you shoot a roll of film. You basically just copy all of your negatives onto one sheet so you can get a better idea of the pictures that turned out. all of these are kinda crappy since it was just a test roll but next week i'm shooting landscapes so i am sure to have some pretty pretty pictures for all of you! and if any of you like any of the pictures that i post on here, just let me know and i can make a large copy of it for you!
k, time for ALL OF YOU to blog about something... the parents last cruise, sam's new go-kart, crabbing in seattle?! the possibilites are ENDLESSSSSSSS
xoxo, leesh
thats really awesome leesh!
is that from your new photography class?
kat, did you actually read the post? haha... yessss... it's for my photography class....
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