I love you dearly.
And everyone.
Also, I went and saw Australia on saturday and it was theeee nest movie ever.
I highly recommend all of you to see it.
It is amazing!
The little boy Nullah, played by Brandon Walters, is so cute, and of course Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman are the hottest people alive.
I'm soooo in love with this film!
girl!!! i wanna seeeeeeee that movie so bad!! i'm going to try to get aaron to go with me this week. or chrissy. she'd prolly like it more. xoxo
yeah it was pretty much amazin! i loved it a lot!
yeah, mom and I saw it one Friday. It was ok. I think it was a chick flick
it was only kind of a chick flick.
just kiddin' i liked it. i quess the kid is ok, for a creamy!! ;-)
leesh, i agree. the movie is bomb-diggity. Oh, by the way, I added myslef to the blog (hope the family doesn't mind)
whoops... guess sarah posted this, not leesh oh well
haha those pictures are funnnnnnny. and i want to see that movie SUPER BAD!
hahahahah kevin... i'm glad you get to comment on our blog now! love it
Yeah, kevin and jack are basically...
oooopss nevermind.
Anyways, kevin is apart of the family. Haha
SO yeah I know im so in love. He is the cutest creamy ever; i plan on marrying him when he is older. No big deal. haha, and i know chrissy they are funnny. Chrissy: I sent you an email so can you please check it and respond? thanks
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