ANUTTHAAA ONE! (as in, ANUTTHA Christmas party post. 'tis the season i guess) Anywho- we went to Aaron's parent's house on Sunday night for their family Christmas party. Way good times. Way good food. Here are some pikkkktures for you viewing.

Precious Aaron finally took a normal picture with me. It took a couple tries, but we were successful in the end.


Precious baby Ty. I'm kind of obsessed.

Some call this child abuse...

Me and Aaron's precious neices, Mariel and Arianna. SO cute.

So every holiday, as a tradition, their family plays poker. I'm kind of a n00b so I definitely had to be coached all the way through. Aaron's dad was THE FUNNIEST dealer ever-he was being super official and calling everyone "sir" and stuff. SO funny.

Oh, and here's my victory pile. Aaron's brother and I both bet all in on a hand, and guess who won? That would be me. Never trust a rookie.
leesh, you look SO pretty in all of these pictures! and i love the picture of you and aaron-- i cant believe you have one where you're both smiling! i like it. and i like their family... what a good bunch.
That looks like a lot ooofff funn!
That's a HAWWWTT picture of you and aaron.
Way coool.
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