Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yupp I turned 22

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share a few birthday pix (or a lot...) and tell you about my fun day. I had friends and co-workers take me out to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and frozen yogurt and I felt very spoiled! There was a freak blizzard during the day which I didn't appreciate, but the sunshine this week has made up for it. Thanks to all of you for your cards, packages, and birthday wishes. Love you lots!!!the hottest
libby and shay
the dayleys
ian and james bonded over map-making
amy, whitney, ashley, lexie , kristen, leesh, me!

the roomies
my boys! andre, brandon, and tyrone
the africa crew.. James, me, Amber, and Ashley



Jcqlnnichol said... fit right in with all your hot friends : ]

Leesh said...

thats cuz shes the hottest... er that makes sense?